Thanksgiving Day the Greatest Holiday

Thanksgiving is a holiday that started with very humble beginnings with the Pilgrims and now has become such a part of our lives we celebrate it every year with excitement and various traditions that have become part of the holiday. It seems Thanksgiving gets bigger every year and there are many reasons behind the growth of the holiday. Let's look at some of the biggest reasons we look forward to Thanksgiving year after year.

It's one of the few holidays that we really don't exchange gifts. It's a holiday where we are thankful for things and gifts are not a part of it. This could be one of the main reasons people gravitate to it as one of their favorite holidays during the year.

Family and friends are one of the biggest reasons Thanksgiving continues to grow. During the year most of the time we are very busy and finding time to reconnect is very hard. Thanksgiving gives us a chance to get together and see how everyone is doing and enjoy time with each other. Finding free time to connect is tough in today's world and that won't stop anytime soon.